Hello Church!

Covid has shifted our lives in many ways and all of us are trying to figure out how to live into these new realities. What are our patterns? What do we really enjoy doing? Which people still give us life? Perhaps we should always be asking these questions, but when forced to ask them, it can feel disorienting. Many people I talk to feel a little bit lost. On Sunday, October 26, we heard the story of the priest Samuel looking for the one God wanted to be the next king of Israel, David. God looks for each one of us with the same intensity. From that sermon:

God will stop at nothing to find you. God will pursue you. God will send out a search team with a glass slipper to see if it fits you. God will look for you when people are pointing to all the others who are more qualified, more talented, better looking, or nicer. God will find you.

What seriously do we do about that? We fall on our knees as David did and we sing. We sing the Psalm written when David messed up with Bathsheba, and we confess our whole selves before God: the good, the bad, the indifferent, the lost, the forgotten… all the parts. And we say as Samuel did, “Here I am.” Then we ask for God to “Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me.” And God does. God does this for us. When we surrender our hearts and our lives, God takes our very life and breath and uses us, you and me, the ones who people think strange things about, US! God uses us for God’s glory to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.

In this season of stewardship where we reflect on what the church means to us, let us gather together, be reminded that we are not alone. May we each be found by God and be drawn together into God’s mission and ministry. In November and every month, I am grateful for you!

Rev. Rebecca

We encourage you to ask, ‘Why do you I give to my church?’ and how would past memories of your journey with Jesus help you find your answer? Perhaps a few personal Stewardship Moments from members of our church will serve as inspiration. Read more →