It’s October!!!
October is one of my favorite months. The air is crisp, and the leaves are
changing. There is also a lot of activities going on in the life of the
For starters, our Stewardship Campaign kicks off Sunday October 6. Our
theme this year is “Imagine Together.” This year will Imagine the impact
our congregation can make not only within our building walls but in our
community and beyond. October 6 is also Worldwide Communion
Sunday, and we will collect for one of our quarterly denomination special
offering- PCUSA Global Witness and the UCC Neighbors in Need.
The list of activities is amazing so let me list what is happening;
 Annual Pig Roast for Church members and neighborhood- October 5
at 3pm.
 Jeremiah Development Open House for their new location 803
Church Street from 4:30-7pm. Appetizers and beverages will be
 The ARC Rec Night in our gym October 16
 United Way Meeting and Luncheon October 24
 Veterans Stand Down in the Gym October 25
 Coffee Hour and Pumpkin Bars after worship in the dining room Oct

Whether in physical body or spirit we have many opportunities to come
together and serve the Lord. Please join us in any way you can!

Anyone who tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and anyone who takes care of a master will
be honored. Proverbs 27:18

Becky E