I am often asked, “What is the busiest time of the church year?” Most expect answers of Advent or Lent, Christmas or Easter. For me the busiest time of the year is the beginning of the program year, September through November. This is the time many of our church activities begin again. Our Bells are ringing again and the choir is back after some time off in the summer. Adult Education is back along with more activities for our children and youth. It is also the time of the year when we kick off our Stewardship Campaign.
Stewardship Campaign. It is never easy asking for money. It is five weeks of asking for money to be exact. Our church has many hopes and dreams for the future, including a new pastor and that takes money. This building is old and that takes money. The heat, air conditioning and lights are not a wish to have, but a have to have and that takes money.
As we kick off the program year and as stewardship prepares to begin it’s campaign in a month or so, listen with an open mind and a generous heart.
So, join us for our Kick Off on Sunday, September 10. Our future is ready to begin!
Peace to you!
Pastor Becky