Blessings to you all!

Ahh…the church life! We have busy times of the year — Fall kick-off, Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. We have not quite so busy times, like the summer months. But even in the not so busy times, there is a lot going on. Serious Soup still happens, Ministry Team meetings still happen. We still have groups using our building and in the parking lot. Twice a month Showers of Blessings sets up in our parking lot.

This program is based out of Mendota, Illinois and wanted to reach out into urban areas. This group has a portable shower unit that allows two people at a time to use the showers. They also set up a grill for lunch and give out clothing. They also pray for people. Showers and feeding people is also what we do, but it is nice when efforts for those in need are extended beyond. Showers of Blessings and SecondFirst are doing the same work, sowing the seeds of the love of Christ.

The Park District will be back again this summer for their Therapeutic Rec Summer Camp. Teens with special needs spend time here playing games, making crafts and dancing! The camp begins the week of June 13 and runs through the beginning of August.

Watch the Tower and Enews for upcoming church fellowship opportunities that will also take place this summer.

So maybe summer is busier than I thought!

Pastor Becky