Saturday, April 4: 12:00PM – 1:00PM
Want to wave palms on Sunday during worship? Drive under the portico in the South Lot and the church staff will pass sanitized palms to you in your car.
Sunday, April 5: 10:00AM
Join together Sunday as we remember when crowds went from shouting Hosanna to Crucify Him. Plus you don’t want to miss hearing All Glory Laud and Honor on the organ!
Thursday, April 9: 6:30PM
Grab a bowl of water, sit in a quiet spot and pull up your Facebook or phone connection. Rev. Rebecca will bring a message of hope and purity surround by music from Paul Laprade and Julie Cook Ramirez.
Sunday, April 12: 10:00AM
Guess what? Jesus doesn’t need us to gather in one location to rise from the grave. Let’s be together virtually and celebrate new life, new hope and new love. We all need it!