Hello Church,
It’s Lent! Hooray! Okay, that is not the way we typically enter into Lent. The words are “with repentance and prayerful consideration.” Lent can take on a somber and serious tone…for good reason. There is much in our lives that we need to face that is not right, is broken, much that we need to hand over to Jesus. This is where we get the traditions of “giving up” something for Lent.
But we can’t stop there. When we face our brokenness and suffering, we can move through it toward healing, wholeness, hope and…JOY! That is the resurrection hope. Our focus this Lent will be this process from struggle to joy. God is so good to us to be our constant companion and to offer us this joy in the midst of our regular lives. Please see the flier below for details on the Wednesday worship experience, the Thursday mindfulness and the Sunday celebration.
Peace to you this Lent,